Small Appliances

Beware of These 5 Things to Prevent your Food Processor

Food Processors

The meal preparation for many guests could be a monotonous job. The manual task of vegetable chopping, dough kneading, and fruit grinding may consume much of our precious time. In response, a food processor was invented a couple of years ago. A food processor is generally a kitchen appliance that provides kneading, chopping, and grinding features under the same roof. Though, the latest models offer to puree and slice too. The machine can be a great value addition to the household if utilized appropriately. Individuals often break the food processor and impact its optimal performance, creating a lose-lose situation. We have gathered here to discuss the five crucial factors for the purpose.

A food processor can be easily purchased from supermarkets or online stores. Purchasing on special occasions like a year-end sale will save bucks in the form of discounts.

Five Crucial Factors

To easily avoid the food processor’s breakdown, we must take into account the five crucial factors. They are listed below.

  1. Frequent Use
  2. Mixture With Water
  3. Hot Ingredients
  4. Large Ingredients
  5. Pulse Button

Frequent Use

The first and foremost aspect to avoid is frequent use. It is evident that mechanical architectures get disturbed upon more frequent usage; like humans need rest, appliances have the same right. Intermittently cooling down rather than operating on the go is a boss move. A big time break between the different modes ensures smooth functioning and consumes less energy than before. Consequently, a food processor lasts for a longer span and avoids the cost of repair.

Mixture with Water

Followed by this, we have the addition of water to the mixture. When coupled with water, the grinding process will damage the machine, and the water will overflow from beneath. A blender is more versatile and may be considered when the grinding process requires water, whether fruits or vegetables, the blending process with water will provision minimal harm to the machine.

Hot Ingredients

The third on the list is hot ingredients. The hot temperature inside the food processor burns the sharp blades and negatively impacts the source, creating a lose-lose situation. It is imperative to nominal provision temperature in the food processor. The deep cleansing of the deep stains requires strong chemicals, that too at time and cost. Individuals may also refer to the user-manual book and act accordingly.

Large Ingredients

Avoiding large ingredients is yet another crucial factor. Even though a variety of components could be chopped and ground by a food processor, it is essential to cut them down into smaller pieces and then add them to the appliance. This ensures relaxation to the blades and operates at an optimal rate, simultaneously consuming less energy. Thanks to modern-day manufacturers, as large food processors can bear large ingredients; however, this comes at a considerable cost and is suitable for commercial use.

Pulse Button

Many traditional food processors have a pulse button, and this goes unnoticed. It is essential to push the pulse button while chopping ingredients. The pulse affects the performance of the chopping blades, ensures a seamless operation, and achieves energy-efficiency goals.


Maintenance is the subordinate of smooth functioning and must be carried out at least once a month. For commercials, periodic maintenance is the way to go. Separating parts and adding a vinegar-water mixture to deep stains is a good step. For mild stains, a soap-water combination is considerable. It is important to use hot, distilled water for productive outcomes. The final rub with a microfiber cloth concludes the maintenance part and ensures the durability of a food processor. Maintenance can be self-done in less time, so carrying it out at the weekend can be contemplated.


A food processor merely automates the meal preparatory task and ensures utilitarianism. For a long friendship, it is essential to maintain the appliance just as we must take care of ourselves.

Models Prices
Panasonic MK-5086 Food Processor 30,000.00
Dawlance dwfp-5240 food processor 13,600.00
Kenwood FP-120 Food Processor 14,400.00